International Chinese Pole Convention

Since 2015, under the impulse of Benjamin Lissardy, acrobat and researcher in Chinese masts, the Bivouac Company organizes in partnership with the Circus School of Bordeaux the International Convention of Chinese Masts. About fifty participants from all over the world meet every year. Three days rich in sharing and research around master classes, a laboratory of experimentation, a conference, an exhibition and a festive closing evening open to the public.

On this occasion, the company organizes conferences around the experimental apparatus and exhibitions, artists are invited to participate.

The next edition of the International Chinese Pole Convention will take place on October 10, 11 and 12, 2024 (details and booking on our HelloAsso ticketing service). To bring this event to a joyous close, we’re organizing a highlight for the general public: Nuit d’éclat, on Saturday October 12. The program includes shows (including an exceptional performance by Lemniscate), circus workshops, a Chinese pole jam, live music, a DJ set and much more! Infos and reservations on our HelloAsso ticketing service.

Don’t forget to follow us on social networks and/or check the agenda section of our website regularly, so you don’t miss out on any news about this event!

Relive the 2023 edition by watching the aftermoovie right here :

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